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Papillon Club of America - Papillon Health & Genetics Committee

Adopted :  May 03. 1993 / As approved by the Membership as of May 26, 2022

RESOLVED : The Genetic Research Committee, hereafter referred to as "GRC" will be administered by a committee chairman appointed by the Board. One committee member should be a veterinarian. If no veterinarian is willing to serve on the committee, then one member should have a degree in genetics or a related discipline. All other members shall have been active breeders of Papillons for no less than 5 years. The members of the GRC will serve as volunteers and receive no personal compensation.


1.   The GRC committee will poll the membership via surveys published in Pap Talk, on the PCA web site and/or distributed at PCA and Independent Papillon Club Specialties to determine which disorders, diseases, or conditions are the affecting Papillons. Results of these surveys will be used to establish research funding targets for PCA's Genetic Research efforts. The GRC shall report to the PCA membership on activities and progress at least once per PCA fiscal year


2.   The GRC committee shall have the power to raise funds for purposes as described in this Standing Resolution. The various methods used to raise money may be:


a )   Fun matches in accordance with AKC regulations..

b )   Raffles or similar games of chance.

c )   Requests for donations.

d )   Bequeaths from estates.

e )   Auctions and sales of items made at the request of the committee.

f )   Sale of commercial items for a percentage of the profits.

g )   Any other legal method that may be determined at a later date.


3.   All funds raised by the GRC will accrue to the Genetic Research Fund and cannot be used for any purpose other than that specified in this standing resolution.  


4.   The PCA Treasurer shall maintain a separate Genetic Research Committee Fund Account within the established PCA account in accordance with the provisions of 5) below, and shall dispense funds in accordance with accepted PCA policy.


5.   Funds allocated to the GRC account may be general GRC funds, or be held in accounts established to earmark funds for specific disorders, diseases, or conditions at the discretion of the contributor.​


a )   General GRC funds may be allocated to research or genetics-related projects based on recommendation of the GRC Committee and approval of the PCA Board.


b )   Funds earmarked for specific disorders, diseases, or conditions shall be dispensed via grant to designated professional study groups or research projects based on availability of both funds and projects focused on the specific disorder, disease, or condition applicable to the funds' restriction.​​



6.   Disclosure provisions: The GRC shall manage PCA's disclosure of diseases, disorders, or conditions affecting individual Papillons. Disclosure will be conducted on a voluntary basis in accordance with the following provisions:


a )   The GRC shall develop and maintain a disclosure authorization form, and shall provide this form upon request to PCA members or members of the general public.


b )   The authorization form shall be signed by all individuals listed as owner(s) of record with AKC, and include a waiver of liability to the Papillon Club of America, Inc., its Board, and Members.


c )   A returned form will be reviewed for completeness and compliance with the disclosure policies by the GRC Chairman. The final verified correct form will then be forwarded to the PCA Recording Secretary within 10 days of verification and acceptance by the GRC chairman. Disclosure forms will be maintained in the permanent files of PCA by the Recording Secretary. A duplicate copy will be maintained by the Genetic Research Committee chairman for no less than 1 year, after which time the copies may be destroyed. All pertinent facts of the disclosure will be published in all PCA education venues such as, but not limited to, Pap Talk and the PCA Genetics webpage.”


d )   GRC members are prohibited from disclosing the identity of any Papillon(s) affected or suspected of being affected by any disorder, disease, or condition, or its owner(s), or breeder(s), without written authorization as outlined in a) through c) above


7.   Should an allegation with probable cause be made suggesting that a committee member may be in violation of SR # 16, section 6) d), the offending member may be suspended from committee membership/activity, pending action at the next available board meeting, by a vote of the PCA Board. The PCA Board, at the next scheduled Board meeting, will make a determination based on the facts submitted and may remove the accused individual from the GRC.


8.   PCA may take legal action to indemnify itself against liability arising from any illegal activity of GRC committee members.




   While Papillons are generally a healthy breed, there are known genetic problems that affect

   some individuals.

   The goal of this Committee is to enlighten the breeding community and the general

   public about the types of problems that can occur, in the hopes we can all work

   together to reduce their incidence. 

 PCA Health & Genetic Committee       

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